I would not consider an arranged marriage for one good reason, I’m married already. If I was not married I still would not like the idea of it for a couple of reasons. First I wouldn’t like it because you would not have the knowledge of the girl presented to you. This means, does she go along with the same ideas as I do? Or does she have the same religious beliefs as I do? Lastly would she be verbally or physically abusive. Lastly I wouldn’t like it because of I would be unsure if the marriage would even last because of the above factors and I do not agree with divorce, a marriage is for a lifetime not a lease. It would be an advantage “if” they were looking to gain power or wealth for the entire family, but disadvantageous because if the couple decides to get a divorce it create problems between the families not just the couple.
The circumstances that led my parents to marry was first they had three kids out of married and they felt obligated to be married and second they felt the pressure of the family telling them to get married. I believe that they truly thought it was best for the entire family if they did get married, furthermore I think they not only did it because of us kids but because of love.

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Utz-Billing, I. I., & Kentenich, H. H. (2008). Female genital mutilation: an injury, physical and mental harm. Journal Of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 29(4), 225-229. doi:10.1080/01674820802547087

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UNICEF, (December,15,2009). Female genital cutting fact sheets. 03/15/2013. http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/female- genital-cutting.cfm

One response »

  1. oneworldcommunity says:

    Very good E, for the class discussion think of the following: While it is complicated, Indians have a less than one percent divorce rate and the vast majority of their population have arranged marriages. Would Americans be better off if we followed their example? Think about reasons why and why not. Also, thanks for sharing about your relationship and your parents – share your experiences with the class as able. Thanks and have a great break, best, Jeff

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